Cucumber: Benefits Behind This Mere Garnish

11:20pm - 03 October 2024

Manfaat dan kasiat dari mentimun via

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Cucumbers are sometimes only seen as complementary food dishes, either as regular slices or processed with other materials. But you know that cucumber has a lot of benefits for our bodies.
Cucumber is a fruit that contains lots of water, so it is very fresh. No wonder if the cucumber is often used for facial treatments by thinly slicing it ​​and placing on the face sometimes on the eyelid so that the eyes are cool. In addition, there are many other benefits to the health of cucumber.

1. If You Have Troubled Skin, Cucumber Is Able To Take Care Of Our Skin


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Cucumber has diuretic properties, with cleansing and cooling effect, so it is beneficial for the skin. High water content, vitamin A, B and C, as well as some minerals (magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica) make this fruit is important for skin care. Facial mask that contains cucumber extract used to tighten the face. In addition, ascorbic acid and caffeic acid contained in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.

2. Cucumber Is Able To Dispose Toxic During Digestive Attack.

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The fiber content in cucumber can get rid of toxins in the digestive system that can improve the health of the digestive functions in the body. In addition, eating this fruit regularly can prevent many diseases associated with digestion such as gastritis, ulcers, stomach pains, to constipation or bowel obstruction.

3. Cucumber Can Keep Blood Pressure Within The Safe Level.

Untuk kamu yang sering emosi sejukan hatimu dengan mentimun via

For those who get angry often via

Potassium, magnesium and fibre in cucumber can help control blood pressure to remain within normal levels. In fact, the fruit is very good for people with high blood pressure. If you are angry, it is clearly better take 2 pieces of fresh cucumber, wash, and grate. Then squeeze the grated cucumbers, pour it over a filter, then drink it. Do it 2-3 times a day.

4. Kidney Is Important Part Of The Human Body, Cucumber Maintains Kidneys’ Health.

Ginjalpun di jaga sepanjang hari oleh mentimun via

Even kidneys are under cucumber’s protection via

Cucumber can help to alleviate the problem bladder and kidneys problems. Abundant water content in the fruit helps kidney function in the process of urination (urine production).

It’s easy really fresh when a cucumber is washed and shredded. The grated cucumber is then squeezed and filtered. Drink the water little by little until the stomach accustomed to receiving fluids cucumber.

5. For Those Who Have Complaints About Aching Joints And Bones .. Start Eating Cucumber!!

persendian dan tulang kalau sudah mulai diserang jangan pernah menganggap remeh hal ini via

Don’t underestimate the aching of joints and bones via

Cucumber contains silica which can improve joint health by strengthening connective tissue while improving bone health in general.

6. Cucumber Can Maintain Nails and Hair Condition. Well, Save Some Money Spent In Salons By Eating Cucumber!

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No need to splurge on expensive salons anymore via

Cucumber has a fairly high silica content. Besides being able to strengthen the joints, the silica content in cucumber can prevent rupture and damage to nails on fingers and toes. Silica is also useful in maintaining healthy hair, such as hair growth and strengthens the hair from the roots.

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